Batch Ovens
Design Considerations
for Batch Ovens
- Loading and unloading
- Heat transfer to product
- Support of product
- Elimination of smoke and volatile
In applications where cooling is needed to reduce the temperature of the product prior to the next processing stage, the batch oven can incorporate a programmable temperature controller to set a “cycle” of processing with heat up, hold, and cooling.
LOADING AND UNLOADING are typically manual but could include a powered cart or rack to hold parts. Some batch ovens are loaded with standard lift trucks.
HEAT TRANSFER to the product can be from the top down or, with special care, from the bottom up with the intent of passing heated air through the product. Some designs use air from one side to the other or both sides to the middle of the product. If air is not appropriate, radiated heat can also be used.
SUPPORT of the product depends on the shape and weight of parts and the volume to be processed in a given time. It is important in a batch process to consider the support so as not to obstruct the heat medium from reaching the product.
SMOKE AND VOLATILE elimination is critical in a batch process to prevent the build-up of material that may be explosive. Properly designed, an exhaust system can be varied to remove contaminated air at one time and contain clean air at others to give the most efficient operation in fuel usage.
Batch ovens are commonly used where long heat cycles are required and product size or weight warrants specific chamber sizes.


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